Most people want to update rooms in their homes either to suit their tastes or to add value. But not everyone can afford to spend $20,000 on a full bathroom renovation. Fortunately, a quality bathroom renovation does not have to cost thousands of dollars. There are certain updates you can make to freshen up your […]
Tag Archives | bathtub refinishing

3 Budget-Friendly Bathroom Updates

3 Reasons You Should Have Your Bathtub Refinished
Are you in need of a new bathtub but don’t have the budget for one? Do you like your bathtub but need to do something with all those stubborn stains? Do you have an antique claw-foot that would look gorgeous if it was brand new? For these reasons and more, a bathtub refinishing may be […]
Transforming a Condo Bathroom in 3 Simple Steps
If you live in a condo in Virginia or D.C., you know that home renovations can be a bit tricky. When it comes to condo renovations, you have the extra stress of dealing with your condo board as well as neighbors who share walls. Those extra hurdles might make a home remodeling project less desirable, […]
3 Simple Home Improvement Tips for the Holidays
The countdown to the holidays has begun. How many things will you be able to check off your to-do list before the merrymakers start arriving? Don’t stress. This is not the time of year to spontaneously embark on major renovations, but you still have time to make your home guest-ready with these home improvement tips […]
3 Reasons to Finish Your Bathtub
You’ve been in the process of remodeling your bathroom and trying to decide just what to do with that bathtub. It’s not in the best shape and screams “I’m from the 1970s!” However, the idea of ripping it out and putting in a new bathtub or shower also seems daunting and pricey. Well, let our […]
3 Reasons to Choose Tub Refinishing
Bathroom remodeling in or around Richmond, VA can be a long and expensive process, depending on the number of improvements you plan to tackle. Sometimes, the more you dig into the remodeling process, the more you find in need of updating. If your bathtub is one of those features you’re still trying to decide how […]
Quick & Easy Home Remodeling
Are you looking for some simple ways to update your home? Do you want to invest in home improvements that won’t take months to complete? Virginia Restoration Services offers some quick, sure-fire ways for home remodeling with limited time constraints.
The Benefits of Bathtub Refinishing
Is your bathtub beginning to show signs of age? Do you cringe at the stains and chips from years and years of use? Before you begin to save up your hard-earned money for a new bathtub or complete bathroom remodel, consider bathtub refinishing from Richmond’s own Virginia Restoration Services.
Richmond Refinishing Services
When you notice a growing fracture in your tub or a deep scratch in your countertop, it’s tempting to just throw the old one out and embark on a large-scale home remodeling project to install new fixtures. However, why not choose to save money and refinish your tub and tile instead? Virginia Restoration Services has […]
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